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Public Speaking Coach

Solution Summary:

One of the most important skills to have in business is the ability to speak to a group. This skill is part of a greater set of skills that have to do with business communications in general. I will help you become a more proficient communicator when you are speaking to two or more people.

I am so confident in my ability to help you, you can pay me when you see results!

Certain details apply, so be sure to ask me about this...it's a great offer. ;-)

Solution Detail:

If you're like more than 80% of the population, you probably do not LIKE public speaking. The main reason is performance anxiety. Your and my most important task is to reduce your anxiety level so that two things can become true...

First you can concentrate on your presentations, not your anxiety. The good news? This is very easy to make happen when you understand a couple key things. Talk to me and you'll start feeling better immediately and doing better presentations!

Second, you will enjoy your presentations when you see some value from them. You will naturally tend to spend your time on things that make you happy, make money, improve your career, or your social standing. Public speaking can do all of that and more so let's discuss your goals and put them in the correct order so you can start seeing results right away.

Once that anxiety is a tool (yes!) and not a problem, and you're seeing progress, we can focus on a myriad of other subjects. Like presentation design, decks, body language, microphones, rooms...the list goes on and on. The good news? We can make most of the complexity of these subjects disappear with some easy-to-understand techniques and online-resources.

In summary, virtually everyone has the ability to be a competent speaker and to feel good when the presentation is done. A few have the desire and the dedication to become a great speaker and enjoy the rewards. I look forward to hearing from you!

Results You Can Expect:

  • You'll understand the biology of public speaking and laugh when you learn what's REALLY going on.
  • If you're a nervous speaker, you'll learn that nerves are just excitement and you'll control them and USE them to your advantage!
  • If you use slide decks, you'll learn how to build them for both you and your audience
  • You'll see how the room, the stage, the podium, audio, the screen, and other elements of your talk all interact with you and the audience.
  • You'll understand that mastering public speaking is a lifelong skill and worthy of your constant improvement.

Typical Work Process

Each and every person's needs are are different, as are their skill level, next presentation date, style of presentation, etc. In general however, I try to follow this basic outline.

First, I listen to your voice when we talk on the phone or on a web call. I observe how you communicate...in a good way! I'm listening to how you sound, to see your facial expressions and eye movements, and to learn if you are stressed. I also want to understand how articulate are you in asking for what you believe you need from a public speaking coach.

(By the way, it's OK if you are very nervous about your presentation or talking to me...it's quite common...don't worry, everything is going to be fine!)

Second, I try to differentiate from your immediate need (example: a big presentation next week) to your longer term goals (perhaps to make public speaking part of your marketing efforts, a career, etc., etc.).

Lastly, I give you a starting plan of action that FEELS good to you. It's very common for people that want help here to be a little or a lot confused about what they want and what's possible in one one or a few sessions or over time. We also work on your budget to make sure you can afford what you need and want. I'm very flexible in this regard.

Questions? Please call me at 949-558-2222 or email me at mark@markcofano.com

Thanks...I appreciate you!

Mark Cofano

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