You're Not Sure What Your Business Success Requires
Like most of us, you are probably somewhat balanced in your awareness of how much things have changed, but possibly hoping for some miracle. I know I am. A new scientific discovery, a windfall in money, a way forward that doesn't cost us our human-ness? You also have noted the frequently misreported news about the world and you may even question how "real" the pandemic is. These are all understandable data points that along with others, may contribute to your indecision.
Of all of the strategy positions you could take however, this being unsure is the most risky. Why? Because you are not committing one way or the other. You are logical, and in the absence of real data to the contrary, you probably have a nagging doubt as to whether a return to normal is probable or even possible. This doubt allows you to think "we'll see" and probably eliminates some short-term stress. But it's also a concern, in that purposeful decisions about your business may be delayed because you've allowed your personal feelings to creep into a business conversation.
One sure-fire way to get off the fence is to study and understand HyperChange. It's the result of man-made and natural forces coming together in unpredictable ways. Some thing the COVID-19 was an accident. Some thing it is a result of man and nature coming too close because of population growth and deforestation. Still others think that the disease was created by bad actors. All are possible but demonstrate how regardless of the cause the resulting catastrophe was hardest on those organizations and people that were unprepared.